
When is the Proper Time to Exercise for Older Adults?

When is the Proper Time to Exercise for Older Adults?

The “when is the proper time to exercise” debate has been going on for quite some time. Many theories have been tossed around, recommending different times of the day as being best. Some swear that getting up early to squeeze in a morning workout is the way to go, while others believe the afternoon or early evenings are best for your body.

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Dr. Waugh’s Take

So, when is the best time to exercise, and is one time really better than the other? According to VIPcare provider Dr. Jason Waugh, there is no best time. “I don’t feel that it matters what time seniors exercise,” he said. “Everybody lives by a different rhythm.”

Dr. Waugh went on to say that for him personally, the mornings work better because he has more energy and drive during that time as opposed to the afternoons. “You are less likely to find an excuse to not work out if you exercise earlier in the day,” he added.

Morning exercise, however, has also been shown to positively affect your cognitive performance throughout the day. According to new research in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, exercising shortly after you wake up helps your brain work better all day. In addition, it can help you stay focused and organized.

No One-Size-Fits-All

All of that sounds great and probably something we all strive for – organized and focused – but morning exercise isn’t for everyone or a one-size-fits-all approach. As previously mentioned, some people prefer the afternoons or evenings. They feel they have more energy later in the day, or exercise helps them wind down after a long day. We’re all different.

“The best time to exercise depends on the person,” said Dr. Waugh. “But I would encourage routine, both for simplicity and for accountability.”

Seniors should partake in a mixture of exercises, including cardio and strength training, three times a week for 20 minutes, with 10 minutes of sustained activity. If a 20-minute session is too intense or long for you, you can always split up your exercise to get the full exercise amount accomplished. And if something needs to be sacrificed, Dr. Waugh suggests focusing on cardiovascular.

If you’re just starting out, you need to take caution when exercising. Don’t attempt to go full force on day one. It won’t do you or your body any favors.

“Start any exercise program slowly, working up to the desired goal,” Dr. Waugh said. “This will decrease injury, soreness, and burnout.”

So, regardless of if you’re an avid morning riser who loves to hit the pavement or a night owl who prefers to hit the gym after everyone’s gone home for the day, as long as you’re exercising and reaping the benefits, there is no best time for exercise, only the best time that works for you.

Benefits of Workouts At Different Times of the Day

While the proper time for exercise is really what works best for each person, there is research that shows you could see different benefits from working out at different times of the day. Here’s the science on it:

Morning Exercise Benefits

Research shows morning workouts could be optimal for burning belly fat and may also boost weight loss efforts. The idea is that having an empty stomach (and, therefore, no food to burn as energy) helps your body burn existing fat.

For burning belly fat, the study from Skidmore College found that women who worked out in the morning lost significantly more than women who exercised in the evening. Interestingly, belly fat loss for men was about the same regardless of morning vs. evening physical activity.

The study notes the difference in men and women could be due to different hormone levels at varying times throughout the day.

Things are murkier when it comes to optimal weight loss exercise time. Studies have found that there may not be an optimal time of day for exercise, but doing your exercise routine at the same time each day can help boost fat loss.

Afternoon Exercise Benefits

If you’re not a morning person, afternoon exercises are still great to help with your fitness goals.

In the afternoon, your energy levels hit their peak, so it can be a better time for high intensity exercises. Make sure you have fueled your body throughout the day with a nutritious diet with plenty of protein.

Another benefit to afternoon or evening workouts is that it can help lower blood pressure. In the morning, you have higher hormone levels, and your arteries are less flexible. With that in mind, exercise later in the day could be better for people who have high blood pressure.

Have trouble sleeping? Evidence shows that the proper time for exercise for you may be in the afternoon or evening. Regular exercise could help reset your circadian rhythm and help you get better sleep.

Now, if you’re a morning person already, this might not work to help your sleep. It could actually reset your internal clock and impact your usual sleep/wake cycle.

Do What Works For You

When it comes down to it, the proper time to exercise is what works best for you and your daily routine. The important thing is that you are getting enough physical activity throughout the week. And this all goes along with eating a healthy diet to see the results you want.

Contact us today to schedule your first appointment with one of our doctors, and they can help you figure out how to get started exercising safely. You can also subscribe to our blog to get tips just like these sent right to your inbox!

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