

Phone number


Work hours

Mon 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tue 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wed 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thu 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sat Closed Sun Closed

Dr. Robert Hummer, MD

Hummer, M.D.

Primary Care

VIPcare Englewood is conveniently located at 461 South Indiana Avenue. You will find the clinic in the same plaza as the Bealls Outlet Store. Our hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Trusted Doctors in Englewood, FL

A patient holds the hand of a doctor during a routine checkup.

You have found your new primary care home with VIPcare’s doctors in Englewood, FL. Our Englewood care team is excited to help you improve your health and well-being. To do that, we focus on practicing preventative medicine and work with you to manage any chronic health conditions. You will get more time with your doctor at each appointment and never be rushed out of the exam room. By developing a personal relationship with your provider, you can get more thorough treatments that address all aspects of your life. Contact us today to get started!

What people say about us

Mike and June Leutze 4 months ago
Dr. Hummer and his staff are excellent. We always look forward to our next appointment. Very friendly, personable and patient care is their number one priority.
Therese Dubois 8 months ago
They are the answer to our prayers! We need to have our Drs on our side at this time in our lives!
Dorothy Carli 9 months ago
The nurses and Dr. Hummer are the best. VIPCare is the way to go.
Janet Stiles a year ago
VIPcare Englewood is still at this location. Closed on weekends but does provide care Monday thru Friday 8a to 5pm. This is a primary care doctor's office.

Personalized Primary Care

More Time With the Doctor

At VIPcare Englewood, we prioritize effective management of chronic conditions and implementation of preventive strategies. Our mission is to guide you on the path to Better Health. We advocate for regular checkups throughout the year, which play a vital role in monitoring your health progress. This approach allows us to find-tune your treatment plans as needed. Experience the VIPcare difference today by calling to set up your first appointment.

More Time With the Doctor

A doctor comforts a patient by putting his hand on the patient's.
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