
Meet Dr. Janice Rodriguez

Meet Dr. Janice Rodriguez

We’ve had a few different providers at our Tampa Bearss clinic over the last few years, but our newest provider, Dr. Janice Rodriguez, is undoubtedly making a name for herself as the 5-star reviews continue to come in. Check them out here.

Dr. Rodriguez is a primary care physician, and a stylish one at that. For a brief moment, she considered going into fashion design. But fortunately, for VIPcare and all her patients, she realized medicine was her true calling.

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Who is Dr. Janice Rodriguez?

Dr. Rodriguez was born and raised in Puerto Rico. In 2017, just three months after Hurricane Maria devastated the northeastern Caribbean, including Puerto Rico, she relocated to Florida. “At that time, things were very uncertain,” Dr. Rodriguez said, “so we decided to leave the island.”

Prior to that, Dr. Rodriguez worked as a physician and medical director for several wound care centers across Puerto Rico.

“I have always enjoyed anything surgical,” she said, “the part of repairing the body in some way. I became very interested in chronic wounds and wound healing during my first job as a physician, where I was working for a surgery department.”

This led her to become certified in chronic wound care and hyperbaric medicine. From a young age, Dr. Rodriguez was interested in medicine. She recalls watching recorded surgical procedures on television and enjoying them more than cartoons.

“Ever since I can remember, I have had an interest in medicine,” she said. “When I was very young, I was always a very curious child and very interested in understanding how our bodies work, especially seeing what they look like on the inside.”

She embraced that curiosity and earned her medical degree from the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara in Mexico.

Dr. Rodriguez believes in being an educator to her patients and taking the time to explain their conditions and the rationale behind her recommendations.

“We do diagrams, drawings, show them videos, etc.,” she said. “The better the understanding, the better the compliance.”

In addition, she takes the time to listen. “I believe that to be a good doctor, you need to listen, really listen carefully to what your patients have to say,” she said. “You need to understand their needs, their challenges, obstacles, limitations in order to provide the best care possible.”

Learn more about Dr. Rodriguez HERE.

Providing 5-Star Primary Care Service

At VIPcare, we specialize in geriatric primary care for Medicare Advantage patients. We provide specialized care that leads to Better Health. No two patients are the same, so no two patients should be treated and cared for the same. Using a value-based healthcare model, we put our focus on preventative care. Our goal is to get our patients healthy and to keep them healthy.

Come Meet Dr. Rodriguez at VIPcare Tampa Bearss

Meet Dr. Janice Rodriguez at VIPcare Tampa Bearss and see how great she is. She is currently accepting new Medicare Advantage patients and can’t wait to meet and join you on your journey to Better Health. Schedule an appointment with her today by calling 866-926-3831. If you live outside Tampa or Hillsborough County, CLICK HERE to find a VIPcare provider near you.

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