
Staycation Ideas for Older Adults

Staycation Ideas for Older Adults

Even though it appears we somewhat have COVID-19 under control, it’s still very much part of our lives, and we still need to take precautions and be safe. When you add the Monkeypox scare on top of that and then consider inflation in addition to everything else, the idea of taking a real vacation is a bit daunting, to say the least. As a result, many older adults are opting to vacation at home this summer.

Planning a staycation or activities close to home is a cost-efficient and safe way to explore new things and get the desperate recharge you need. Staycations can be fun and unique, even if you are staying home. If you’re in need of a vacation but don’t feel comfortable venturing too far away, here are some staycation ideas to get you in vacation mode.

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Bring the Vacation to You

Thanks to the wonders of technology, you no longer have to be physically present to enjoy something. You can now travel the world and visit museums, parks, and zoos, all from the comfort and safety of your own home. Google Arts and Culture partnered with over 2,500 museums and galleries around the world to offer virtual tours of their spaces. New York’s Museum of Modern Art, Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum, and the Louvre, based in Paris, all have virtual tour options that you can enjoy.

Be a Tourist in Your Own City

When you live somewhere, you rarely take advantage of what all it has to offer. We’re creatures of habit, so we tend to go to the same places and do the same things. Try being a tourist in your community. Explore local attractions you used to go to or have always wanted to go to but never took the time to do so. It’s easy to forget what your hometown has to offer. Find interesting parks to visit or good restaurants to try. Get to know your city like a tourist.

older adults having a staycation party

Create a Beach Getaway

If you love the beach but aren’t able to get there this summer, create a beach getaway in your backyard. Sounds crazy, but this is where you need to be creative. Get a kiddie pool and fill it with play sand. Throw a couple of beach toys in there too. Buy some inexpensive tropical-themed decorations to put up. Invite your friends and family over and have everyone wear beach attire. Set out some beach chairs, towels, and coolers with refreshments. You can make it what you want. Just have some fun!

Experience Other Cultures Through Cuisine

Get a taste of Italy by making some dishes specific to the country. Have you always wanted to visit Greece? Look up some Greek cuisine recipes to make at home or for a dinner party. If you know someone from another country, ask them to share a dish from their homeland. To make it a little more festive and fun, decorate with items from the country, such as its flag. Print out pictures of landmarks and post them around the room. You don’t even have to stick to one country. Travel to several countries during one meal. Split up responsibilities and cuisines amongst your friends. Some can bring appetizers or maybe drinks and dessert. Do it tapas style and just have small plates from various cuisines. Again, just be creative and have fun. Don’t forget to play music from whichever country you select.

Relive Past Trips

Take a stroll down memory lane and share some of your favorite vacation memories with this staycation idea. Look at old pictures and reminisce with family and friends that shared in your adventures. If you have videos from past vacations, watch them and enjoy reliving the experience. If you haven’t already, put together a scrapbook documenting your traveling adventures. The fun memories may spark new ideas for future trips.

Plan Your Staycation, Today!

Don’t let the world’s stressors keep you from enjoying your summer vacation. Sure, you may not be able to enjoy jet-setting across the country or to a foreign land, but you can still have fun and make lasting memories. Not to mention, you’ll save a ton of money! That’s definitely a win. Try some of these staycation ideas or create some of your own. Use your imagination and make the most of your situation. Bon, voyage!


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