
Tips for Selecting a New Primary Care Provider

Tips for Selecting a New Primary Care Provider

Finding a new primary care physician can be a bit daunting. How do you choose amongst a bunch of providers you don’t even know? Unless a friend or family member has referred a doctor to you, you must take the time and patience to do your research and due diligence. It’s easy to get lost in a sea of foreign names, but with a bit of planning and sorting, you can find a reliable, professional, and trustworthy primary care physician that is right for you and your needs. Here are some tips for selecting a new primary care provider.

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Start With Your Health Plan Coverage

One of the main things you need to consider when selecting a new primary care provider is whether they accept your insurance. If you are currently enrolled in an HMO or PPO plan, you’ll want to start with your plan’s network of providers. Once you have a list of all your in-network providers, start sorting through them to find those who specialize in senior care and are accepting new patients. If you have a provider in mind and they don’t accept your current insurance plan, keep in mind that Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period is upon us, and now is a great time to select a plan with your desired provider. At VIPcare, it’s easier than you think to change your provider. We can help assist you with all your insurance needs.

Consider Your Needs

Your provider is your partner on your healthcare journey, so you need someone that can take care of your needs. If you have a chronic condition that needs to be maintained, you need a physician that can address and care for that condition. If you prefer to have most of your healthcare services performed in-house, consider that when selecting your provider and ensure they offer the services you need. Most of all, you want to find a provider that cares and will truly listen to you. Your needs extend beyond your physical health; you need someone who can care for you mentally and emotionally and will spend the quality time with you that you deserve.

Check the Location

You’ll want to select a provider that is convenient and easily accessible. Find a doctor in your area, so you don’t have to spend unnecessary time in the car. If transportation is a concern, look for a qualified provider that offers transportation assistance. For example, VIPcare will gladly arrange transportation to and from your appointment if necessary. We currently have over 55 locations conveniently located across Florida, making it easier than ever to find a provider near you.


Once you narrow down your prospective provider list, call the clinic to ask about your insurance and schedule an appointment. This will give you an idea of the clinic’s availability. You shouldn’t have to wait months to schedule an appointment.

If you’re currently looking for a new provider, contact VIPcare today! We have over 70 providers that care with experience you can trust. Your health deserves the best!

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