
Help Us Help You: CAHPS Survey

Help Us Help You: CAHPS Survey

It’s that time of year when the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will be sending the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Survey to a random number of eligible Medicare Advantage beneficiaries to measure their well-being as well as their perception of their healthcare physician, services, and plan. If you’re randomly selected, it’s important that you complete the survey. Here’s a brief overview of what precisely the survey is and what it will ask, so you’re familiar if you get selected.

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What is CAHPS?

The CAHPS survey seeks to better understand the overall healthcare experience from your perspective. This knowledge provides results to providers so we can make quality changes that enhance your perceptions and drive Better Health.

What Kind of Questions Will I Be Asked?

The CAHPS Survey includes five parts:

  1. The first component is Getting Needed Care. Survey questions will include “Did you get timely care?” This encompasses how easy it was to schedule an appointment as well as needed tests. We perform many tests and diagnostics right within our clinic. If you are required to go outside of our clinic, we work closely with external labs to set up appointments and provide you with access to accurate, reliable, and fast test results.
  1. The second component is Getting Appointments and Care Quickly, and a survey option will include “Were you seen within 15 minutes of your scheduled appointment time?” We don’t want you wasting time in our waiting room; we want to get you into the exam room as quickly as possible. Sometimes things out of our control happen, and when they do, we do our best to inform you of any potential delays. At VIPcare, we understand that emergencies happen, and when they do, we want you to call us. We are always available 24/7 with an on-call doctor as well as same-day urgent care appointment availability.
  1. The third component is Care Coordination, and it will include “Did your doctor explain things to you in an easy-to-understand manner?” Because our focus is always on quality, not quantity, our providers can take the necessary time to sit and discuss your needs and concerns, so you leave our office with answers, not questions.
  1. The fourth component is for Annual Flu Vaccine. Patients will be asked “if they have had a flu shot” with a simple yes or no response.
  1. The last component is the Rating of their Health Care. Patients will be surveyed to rate their personal doctor on a scale from 0 to 10. You and your provider are a team. They take a personal interest in you and your health.

Putting the Care in Healthcare

Providing you with the best quality of care is always our goal at VIPcare. We always strive to go above and beyond to meet and exceed your healthcare expectations. We appreciate you for entrusting your care with us, and thank you for partnering with us for Better Health!

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